Business documents kept in fire proof safes
Business documents kept in fire proof safes

With just a few clicks, you can search through your inventory, locate what’s required to satisfy an internal or external request and arrange for it to be quickly scanned or delivered by one of our vetted and trained employees.This frees-up valuable real estate and staff, without sacrificing visibility into your information assets, even maintaining rapid access to high-activity files through our File Room Solution. The Iron Mountain Connect™ Records Management application provides an online document storage solution to manage your cartons of records and files that are stored offsite, including metadata, searching, tracking and processing of service requests. Iron Mountain conducts rigorous background checks, employee screenings and formalized training to ensure the highest standards of security are maintained in document storage. Our proven workflows and technology-enabled tagging means you'll have complete visibility and control over your inventory at all times. Iron Mountain facilities are governed by strict, industry-leading chain-of-custody procedures. Important financial documents include lease or mortgage papers, bank records, insurance policies, tax statements, vehicle information, or student loan information. Comprehensive environmental conditions that safeguard your records from the elements. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) recommends storing paper copies of your important documents and cash in a fireproof, waterproof safe. Preventative measures with proven fire-safe construction and dependable water supplies. Inclusive of construction, perimeter security, entry security, interior security and security planning. Iron Mountain Records Centers adhere to key facility requirements for: Records are tagged and classified using your own terminology, tracked with RFID labels and made available on-demand through our intuitive Iron Mountain Connect™ web portal, so you quickly locate and retrieve information as needed. Iron Mountain’s RIM professionals work with you to identify records for relocation to our secure off-site records storage facilities. It is UL rated for one hour of fire resistance for flames up to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. Your electronic options include accounting software, web-based systems and spreadsheets. easy to back up and keep safe in case of fire or theft. Large bank bag (17 x 12 x 6 inch) has a wider opening and easy to handle, Medium fireproof bag for documents (13 x 9.75 inch) in A4 size can keep certificates, deeds safe.


Safe and secure document storage is critical to compliance and business continuity. The best fireproof safe for most homeowner and consumer needs is the Honeywell 2092D Waterproof Fire Safe. Some advantages of digital record keeping include: less physical storage space than a manual system. DIFFERENT SIZES: File safe provides home safes fireproof water resistance document holder comes with 3 different sizes. Records and information are the lifeblood of any organization. Trust the Records and Information Management (RIM) Experts

Business documents kept in fire proof safes